Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Dave Ramsey.....again...

We have kinda got off of the Dave Ramsey train...but we are back on again... I have the envelopes and everything is going better....who is has only been a day....but atleast thinking about a budget and writing it makes your more responsible....gas is one thing that is killing us...and I know everyone... Especially all the trips to Groom..but those would have been made either way...going to church....there has to be some relief in sight...I even have my lawn and flowers budgeted this month...most people would die if they knew what I spent last year...It won't happen this year though...haha....and don't forget the mother's day gifts....I think I have thought of everything...but I know something will come up and it will all change....

If you are an F3 member this next news might be exciting..... I am in the process of designing and ordering some cool NEW t-shirts....I don't know what all will happen but it was time.....and I finally made the time....some GIRLIE and some UNISEX....I hope they will be done by the middle of May if not sooner.... I will keep you up-to-date....

Towels...towels...I just brought home 200 towels from the I am writing and checking email between the loads....Thank goodness for my new washer and dryer...I would be working on those all day...

I hope everyone is having a great day....Mine is busy...but that is ok...and my house is a mess...and that is will all get done soon....

BY THE WAY......Did anyone watch BIGGEST LOSER last night...? That is my favorite show in the world...and ALI won...and I actually screamed and got excited... It is amazing to see the transformations....and the life changes.... That is my dream....with F3.... Now I don't know what I am going to do .... without my show....probably start cleaning and getting ready for number #3....only 15 more weeks...the hardest 15 of them all...but that is ok.... it will all be worth it...

have a great day...steph


Dawn Jenkins said...

Hey Steph-
Yea...I know all about budgets...Ronnie and I get cash each month for every single "extra" expense (i.e. gifts, lawn, birthday, clothes, stamps, etc.) and I have every penny of mine budgeted out until January of 2009! Okay, maybe I am a little OCD on the whole list making, he he! It works though, if it wasn't for Dave Ramsey and my hubby we wouldn't be where we are today.
About Biggest Loser, do you know I tivoed it b/c I had to give a speech last night, and I got home and it didn't record...cry!!! I almost did. I heard Ali won, but I am going to try to look online for some pics.
Take care...good luck w/ the budget!

Shelley said...

I am a huge biggest loser fan, too! Ali is Awesome!! I am going to miss that show, too... We did the Dave Ramsy thing a few years back. It is so worth it!! We got everything paid off and it is amazing. Stick with it...

Charla (SHar-la) said...


1.) I ♥ BUDGETS!! I know it sounds crazy, but I really do! They make my life more organized and put together and I feel such satisfaction from saving up my money for something I really want/need and then being able to feel good instead of guilty about buying it.

2.) I also ♥ Ali! At first I didn't like her much because I thought her attitude stunk! However, after she and her mother had their heart to heart, she was much more positive and then she was my favorite! I was definitely rooting for her to be the first female biggest loser!

3.) I ♥ your blog design! Love it! I seriously could do that for a blogs for people.

4.)I ♥ t-shirts...especially girlie baby t's that say F3 on them ;)

Dawn Jenkins said...

Who did your blog, how can I get in contact w/ him/her, and how much did it cost? I absolutely love, love, love it

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