Sunday, April 20, 2008

Today was a total success....unlike yesterday

It was everything they were hoping for.....The mass was very nice....STANDING ROOM ONLY...atleast 500 people....and the meal was even better....some other community church members came..but alot from out of town.. It was nice to see everyone....Everyone loved the DVD that Toby made of all the old pictures... I hope they sold all of them...and all the kids loved all the blow up fun toys they had...I think Toby even got an idea for a PRIDE THURSDAY or a PRIDE program....(speaking more to come...but hopefully not the last)

We did come home early so that we could spend some time at the house...I have laundry and I need to start organizing some rooms.....since yesterday our HOG trappin' experience turned to be a longer and more expensive trip than we were planning....Some of you might know...Toby loves the outdoors and anything he can do out he invested in some HOG traps and we have them at various places...He heard of a person that was looking for someone to trap on their after we drove 10 minutes to pick one up....we were heading towards the place...Toby heard a pop and was thinking it was the tire...I THOUGHT HE WAS CRAZY...but sure enough...His front tire was flat as a after we changed the tire and got back on the was longer than we were planning...thankfully mommy....packed snacks and drinks just in case the kids got there goes that idea of saving was just funny...When we got in the pickup to leave...Toby mentioned..."Next month put in the budget for new tires..." I told him ok...and now I am thinking we just need to get them done now...and make sure we make adjustments for next month....So between the tire...and probably a strained back from lefting the trap and getting the tire is going to be a costly affair...
We are going out there again tonight to make sure that there are not any is the anxious boy coming out in Toby to go check...lets just pray that today is more successful than yesterday....

Tomorrow, is a busy all Mondays....Gym..Ms.Angie's...gymnastics...and then I have to meet with the lady in Memphis on the house...My car is full with different examples of knick knack and should be interesting and I hope fun....but luckily this week is not going to be too busy...Now next week is a different story...

I hope everyone had a great SUNDAY...and talk to you soon...


Sharon said...

Yeah! I'm glad you had a great day and I hope Tobby got a hog - yuck! I blogged - check it out - My page needs help, but maybe I'll get it looking good soon. You'll have to teach me. Love ya - see you manana!

Anonymous said...

Stephanie, Stephanie, Stephanie....
Have we not talked about you SLOWING down? You don't listen to well do you? I know you had to enjoy the church celebration on Sunday...Good to be around family.
The hogs and Toby...little scary if you ask me...only thing scarier would be KP and
Have a good week...
And I did do my blog background myself...with a little help from photobucket...

Helen Keller said...

you are too busy. isn't nice to just be home. I loved the toning class. i need it! see ya!

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