We haven't made it through the first month...but at this point we are doing so much better than we would have.....thank goodness. It just makes you be more conscious of where your HARD EARNED money goes to....I will keep you posted...
Alot of people think that we are crazy to start in December with Christmas, but I think it really has been the best thing we could have done. We would have spent so much GOOFY money on gifts and now we are thinking about them more.....
I will keep you posted....
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Kaitlyn's first friend over
Kaitlyn had her first visitor come over and play. They had a good time..but Kaitlyn is a big baby....We only had a couple of skinned knees....unfortunately it wasn't on Kaitlyn. I just hope the mom doesn't think that I meant for it to happen. Atleast the little girl was old enough to tell her the truth....Other than that the day was great. Caden got in the way just alittle.... They are growing up so fast...it will be tomorrow when she has her first prom....
Hug those babies...
Hug those babies...
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Women's TRIP
The trip was great. We had a wonderful time. All we did was eat and then go to show......eat and go to the show....eat and then go to the show.... You get the picture. It was nice to go with all those ladies. They were all ladies that I knew growing up. LOTS OF FUN. Our bus just broke down one. Compared to last year that was excellent.....they had to change buses 3 times and then didn't even make it to Branson...(between the bus trip and the foot of snow on the ground...I am glad they didn't make it)....
It was a pleasure to get to go on a trip with my grandmother, 3 aunts, many women that watched me grow up, and even some new people from surrounding towns...but most of all getting to go with my mom....my best friend....(she needed my help...haha)
FYI - the kids and the house were still here and in OK shape when I got home....
It was a pleasure to get to go on a trip with my grandmother, 3 aunts, many women that watched me grow up, and even some new people from surrounding towns...but most of all getting to go with my mom....my best friend....(she needed my help...haha)
FYI - the kids and the house were still here and in OK shape when I got home....
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Please pray for my kids - ha ha
Tonight I leave for my trip with the CHURCH ladies to Branson.....We leave tomorrow morning at 6:00 or so....so I am planning on going to stay with my parents so I don't have to get up so early and drive in. I am a little upset because I don't want to leave my kids for so long...but I know it will be good for all of us. Especially Toby....he (not really) will see how it is to get 2 kids ready and yourself ready for school. Feed them breakfast and get them to school...pick them up and just go go go....but luckily I have some good friends and neighbors that are going to help us out.....Sharon and Mrs. Wyatt are going to help me out with the kids....thank God for them....
Branson....is going to be fun....it sounds like all we are going to do is eat and go to shows....my mom (who is president of her church's women's group) got the trip up. We (37 women - varying in ages from 28 - me - to 75 - my grandmother- will be on a bus to Branson tomorrow morning. I think we are going to see 4 or 5 shows in a 2 day period. Mom keeps telling me that I am the youngest and they are going to use me as comic relief....what is new...ha ha...
Pray for my kids this weekend....and pray for my house...I hope it is all together when I get back...
This trip is going to be good for everyone....
Branson....is going to be fun....it sounds like all we are going to do is eat and go to shows....my mom (who is president of her church's women's group) got the trip up. We (37 women - varying in ages from 28 - me - to 75 - my grandmother- will be on a bus to Branson tomorrow morning. I think we are going to see 4 or 5 shows in a 2 day period. Mom keeps telling me that I am the youngest and they are going to use me as comic relief....what is new...ha ha...
Pray for my kids this weekend....and pray for my house...I hope it is all together when I get back...
This trip is going to be good for everyone....
Monday, November 12, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
We tried the church here - again
There is one thing...and unfortunately the most important thing.....that we aren't happy here.....IT IS OUR CHURCH. We tried for a couple months when we first moved here to try the church here. Some things happened and it was all in spanish...so we decided to try out a church in a neighboring town. We have been going there (when we are in town.) We try really hard to make our weekend trips to my hometown or other places so we can go to church there. Many of you might be thinking bad of me....but most people don't realize how hard it is to be a WHITE CATHOLIC in a community that has little to none.
Both my husband luckily were raised in a STRONG catholic family. I was also raised in a STRONG catholic community. It was cool to be catholic and I had the opportunity to become VERY STRONG in my faith... My husband, on the other hand, wasn't so lucky. He was raised in a community were VERY few were catholic and so he wasn't lucky enough to experience what I had the chance to. (so he knows how it feels and doesn't want that for his children) I feel the same.
Some of you might know, church is how I met my husband. I was a sponsor for a friend of mine to become Catholic. (in the catholic religion....you CONVERT to be catholic if you aren't catholic...you just go to classes to learn about the religion and take other small steps before you decide if this is really want you want to do...which is great for all parties involved...As a part of her classes, we had to go to a women's retreat... I wasn't so excited about it, but I knew I needed to do it for my friend. So I gave up going to the Texas and Texas Tech football...(I love my lord....) and went to the weekend retreat...that is where I met my husband's angel...his sister...to make a long story short...after the retreat we kept in touch and she begged me to meet her brother that was a coach. At first I said absolutely no.... it was my junior year in college...my brother was coming to Tech the next year and I wanted to just have fun and not worry about a BOY...but she talked me into just letting him call and the rest is history) I ended up loving the retreat and the next one I was a chairman...I took over all the music also...so it was a blessing in hiding...
I love being catholic...but it is really hard....I love the traditions and the love of everything that we do. I also like the idea that my entire family goes to the same church and believes in the same things... that is a comfort that I need....
Many of loving friends that we have here ....really mean well.... they know that we aren't happy in our church at this time...they invite us to visit their churches. I don't want to hurt their feelings...but we (I) just can't. I know that there is a reason that the good lord brought be here...I just got to figure out how I can help me and my family....
Church today was nice...it is just hard (especially when you have 2 little ones) to hear the readings, sermon both in English and spanish.. I am a big music person and that is REALLY hard for me because it is all in spanish. I know what music in church gave me...and I want that for my kids....I need to think of something...
Thanks for listening to my ramble...but I needed to get it out....I need to find some peace for not just me....but for my husband. If it was up to him...we would be changing religions...haha...
(on a funny note....when we first moved here...the first things that people said to us was....what is your names.....what do you do.....where do you go to church....I knew that religion was very important to people here. But when we told them we were catholic they all just looked at us...when we made our first visit to the catholic church here.....i could see why....then someone said it us one day....I thought you had to be hispanic to be catholic....I guess we always learn from new people.......it was just funny to hear that and I understand that is REALLY what people thought...)
I really just wished we could have just a CHRISTIAN based bible study group and it didn't matter what religion you were...but I know what probably won't happen....
Thanks to all our friends that really have offered to help in so many ways...just count your blessings if you enjoy and love your church...it is one thing you should TREASURE...
Both my husband luckily were raised in a STRONG catholic family. I was also raised in a STRONG catholic community. It was cool to be catholic and I had the opportunity to become VERY STRONG in my faith... My husband, on the other hand, wasn't so lucky. He was raised in a community were VERY few were catholic and so he wasn't lucky enough to experience what I had the chance to. (so he knows how it feels and doesn't want that for his children) I feel the same.
Some of you might know, church is how I met my husband. I was a sponsor for a friend of mine to become Catholic. (in the catholic religion....you CONVERT to be catholic if you aren't catholic...you just go to classes to learn about the religion and take other small steps before you decide if this is really want you want to do...which is great for all parties involved...As a part of her classes, we had to go to a women's retreat... I wasn't so excited about it, but I knew I needed to do it for my friend. So I gave up going to the Texas and Texas Tech football...(I love my lord....) and went to the weekend retreat...that is where I met my husband's angel...his sister...to make a long story short...after the retreat we kept in touch and she begged me to meet her brother that was a coach. At first I said absolutely no.... it was my junior year in college...my brother was coming to Tech the next year and I wanted to just have fun and not worry about a BOY...but she talked me into just letting him call and the rest is history) I ended up loving the retreat and the next one I was a chairman...I took over all the music also...so it was a blessing in hiding...
I love being catholic...but it is really hard....I love the traditions and the love of everything that we do. I also like the idea that my entire family goes to the same church and believes in the same things... that is a comfort that I need....
Many of loving friends that we have here ....really mean well.... they know that we aren't happy in our church at this time...they invite us to visit their churches. I don't want to hurt their feelings...but we (I) just can't. I know that there is a reason that the good lord brought be here...I just got to figure out how I can help me and my family....
Church today was nice...it is just hard (especially when you have 2 little ones) to hear the readings, sermon both in English and spanish.. I am a big music person and that is REALLY hard for me because it is all in spanish. I know what music in church gave me...and I want that for my kids....I need to think of something...
Thanks for listening to my ramble...but I needed to get it out....I need to find some peace for not just me....but for my husband. If it was up to him...we would be changing religions...haha...
(on a funny note....when we first moved here...the first things that people said to us was....what is your names.....what do you do.....where do you go to church....I knew that religion was very important to people here. But when we told them we were catholic they all just looked at us...when we made our first visit to the catholic church here.....i could see why....then someone said it us one day....I thought you had to be hispanic to be catholic....I guess we always learn from new people.......it was just funny to hear that and I understand that is REALLY what people thought...)
I really just wished we could have just a CHRISTIAN based bible study group and it didn't matter what religion you were...but I know what probably won't happen....
Thanks to all our friends that really have offered to help in so many ways...just count your blessings if you enjoy and love your church...it is one thing you should TREASURE...
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Childress Open House
I really am glad that today is over with. Not that it wasn 't good but I am just glad to have that under our belt. There was alot of people out and about today and we got to see quite a few. We had about 6 different area individual merchants at the gym today. I hope and really think that everyone did fairly well. I did not really get to go visit all the other places...but hopefully I will get to soon. If you missed out .... it was a great day in Childress..... what a neat little thing. Thanks to Susan Leary....she took over it for women's council. She did a great job getting things done.
Friday, November 9, 2007
You know you live in a small GREAT town when
the funniest thing happened to me today. Caden (many of you know that we are trying to potty train...) had an accident. I put him (somewhat in the carseat) to take him home to take a bath and change clothes...when I noticed a delivery man at the store next door. He was on his cell phone trying to find out when they opened so he could make his delivery. I told him that he could drop off the packages at the gym and I would let them know they were there. He looked at me and said that would be great but I have to have money...so thinking I didn't have my company checkbook...I told him that I would try to go call and see if I could reach them...I couldn't...so I told him to drop them off at the gym and I would run home and get the checkbook. He was SHOCKED. He kinda looked at me like I was crazy...So I asked him...I promise my check is good and will pay you cash if I need to....He said..."No maam....I trust you...I just have never seen this....this is a first for me..." I looked at him weird and I said..."WHAT" he said "Not very many places could I go and the person next door first offer to drop alot of packages off....much less pay for them..." I just laughed and said..."I guess that is what is the difference between small towns, because we look out for each other and help them out when we have a chance. Because you never know when you might need the help." He smiled and said "I will have to let them know about you and Childress." I thought that was great that he thought that much about our little town... Don't get me wrong...I haven't lived here long enough to call it MY town...but I really feel like this is home, and days like this make me feel more like home...
by the way....I did find my checkbook in my car...and I did get Caden home to clean him up...haha...
by the way....I did find my checkbook in my car...and I did get Caden home to clean him up...haha...
Thursday, November 8, 2007
I finally got the book....that I hope will change my life
I did get my Dave Ramsey book yesterday. Toby is a little skeptical, but he is leaving it up to me to read and do the research....but he promises that he will stick with it. I really think that he has some great ideas and I hope that it works like it says...I can see that it will. But also....help me with this...It really didn't give you a guideline to your actually monthly expenses. Did I not read it or are you just supposed to use your judgement and work with the littlest amount that you can per budget item. So if you see advertised in the paper ...... a garage sale... you will know what I am doing. Trying to get my emergency fund finished and start working on my debt..haha... Pray for me...because I am the spender in the family and have always been....But I think I can do this....The one thing I am really concerned about is my giving. We have a set amount we give to the church but I always find myself buying simple gifts, and lots of little things for friends and family. How do I keep this up....but within a sensible budget. This is one of the things that I really enjoy doing. I love doing little things. I guess I could just volunteer time and stuff, too.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Kaitlyn's first Successful Turkey Hunt

Kaitlyn and her daddy went huntin' and got themselves a turkey. Caden was sad that he did not get to go...but he got over it.
Toby actually shot the turkey. She was so excited and a real big girl about it....until she asked Toby if it was a daddy turkey. Toby covered in a big way...he said it is a "TOM", so she was ok with it. She did end up naming her turkey TOM. Watch the index for a picture also. Toby is so proud and wanted me to make a post.. I thought it was really cute.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
You all missed out on a good time
Charla, Donna and I went to Quanah for a night out on the town. We went to the Depot and had a great supper and great conversation. Thanks alot girls for the night... I had a great time.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Thank the lord....my goodness...I thought I was going to lose it...literally...but unfortunately this doesn't have the best ending. We found out that Kaitlyn took it and put it in her jewelry box instead of dropping it down the drain. I am excited that we found it...just said that Kaitlyn didn't tell the truth...
Saturday, November 3, 2007
One of those days
Today has been one of those days. First I thought Toby was going to be able to watch the kids today, so I could do all of my women's council events..but I was wrong. Luckily, Allie could watch the kids....and they really enjoyed getting to see her. Then I went to the Art and Craft show to sell tickets and t-shirts.....stayed for a while but wasn't busy, so we left...came home for a second and rested. Then went to Aunt Susan's to set up for BUNCO. somewhat of a flop, but the people that came had fun, so that is all what matters....
Still sad that I don't know where my ring is...but hopefully we will find it...
Hope everyone else's weekend was more productive or more UNeventful....
Still sad that I don't know where my ring is...but hopefully we will find it...
Hope everyone else's weekend was more productive or more UNeventful....
I am so proud of my HUSBAND
I just wanted to say HOW PROUD I AM. Toby, you can accomplish anything that you put your mind too......love you lots.......
I think I lost my wedding ring
I don't think I have ever been more sad and scared in my life. I have looked and cleaned and looked and cleaned. I finally asked Toby if he was playing a trick on me....That was not the case. I don't know where it is...I don't know if it went down the sink...or even if the kids took or something....just pray that I find it. Toby is going to look in the sink soon....we do have insurance on it...but I don't know what that all intells....When it rains it pours...It was also my DREAM ring...I just can't imagine where it is..
Thursday, November 1, 2007
I just wanted to wish DONNA a Happy Birthday...Let me know when would be a good day or night to take you out for dinner...
love ya
love ya
Time for Tucker BUDGET
Today I just ordered my Dave Ramsey's book. I have heard so many good thing about him and his book...so I am going to see myself. I am excited and nervous at the same time. I need to put myself on a budget. I have never really been on a REAL budget...so this should be interesting....If anyone has any pointers, I would be very happy to hear about them. Also, pray for me....to have the strength to stick with this....ALSO, I have mentioned this to Toby, but I don't truly know how he is going to react to this....We will see...I will keep you posted...

We had a busy busy last couple of days. It all started on Saturday when Kaitlyn and I went to our first Halloween costume Birthday party. They painted pumpkins, played games, and even got to ride a DONKEY. Toby and Caden went to Wheeler to do some work on the deer lease. You know that deer season is about to begin..(I am so excited, NOT) Then later that day we went to Christmas at the Park Banquet and sat at the Rabe's table. It was lots of fun. THEN IT WAS REALLY TIME TO PARTY. We went to our ADULT halloween party. We had lots of fun. Then Sunday, Toby left for Austin for a couple of days. I can't gripe too much...Toby was supposed to leave on Friday...so it could have been worse. Monday, we had Kaitlyn's Halloween Party at Ms. Angie's. I took a double decker chocolate chip cookie cake... It was unbelievable. But I had to give most of it away..or I would have eaten it all. Then that night Kaitlyn had Halloween at Ms. Kim's. All the kids took some candy and then did tricks to get a piece of candy. I have never seen so much candy...I don't know why we needed to go trick - or - treatin... The kids got to go visit the Wyatt's while I went to my women's council meeting. They were totally excited.
On Tuesday we had Kaitlyn's party at Ms. Carol's. It was alot of fun. Then Halloween came. We went downtown in Childress and went to all the downtown businesses. It is really a neat thing. I am just glad that Toby was back to help..atleast some. He had to go visit someone at the funeral home..so he left us and left us without any keys....I was not a happy camper. Kaitlyn was freezin. But it worked out...We came home and ate PIZZA and then went to the Wyatt's house. They loved their presents. Sometimes I wonder....what is the biggest holiday. It seemed like Christmas at the Tucker's house.
I have sorted my candy and it is on its way to the gym. I have to keep business going you know..haha
Happy Halloween from the Tuckers
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