Monday, November 10, 2008

Does the economy scare you or is it just me?

The economy is scary.....I didn't think it would ever scare me...but it does....I am also one of the ones that is trying to hold on to my money a little bit more. I would love to start on the next stage of my plan with the gyms....but I am very nervous....

I know people have lost lots of money in the stock market.....some very close to me....but I didn't know how others are feeling?

Any thoughts and worries? I am just glad that the gas prices have gone down....


Will said...

I have no clue about the stocks, or the economy. It is a fault of mine...I should keep up more with what the heck is going on in the financial world. I just don't care. I mean I care, don't know what I can do about it. I guess just keep slipping further and further into debt. Yeah, that's what I'll do...Thinking about buying a motor home. Toby said he would go half with me.

Sharon said...

I am very worried and already feeling the effects. My business has drastically decreased over the past month. Moving into the busiest time of the year, that is very scary! Business should be picking up, not slowing down. The gas prices don't help me either - at least speaking from a business stance. It allows people to go out of town, not stay home and support local economy. So yeah, I'm nervous. A bad Christmas season moving into a shakey new year could be the end of my business. Let's hope and pray for the best!!!!

Ryan Mills said...

i think the economy scares everyone. Obama's tax plan and it's effect on small businesses scares me worse though.

Amy said...

I'm trying to let Jason take care of the economy stress for me!! Besides, the only reason it scares me so bad is that I'm always so stinkin confused about it!!:)

Keep your head up. Worry will make you physically sick!!

Miss ya!

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