Monday, October 29, 2007

Women's Council Meeting

I consider tonight as a total success. I am a member of a great organization here in Childress. Before Toby and I even moved here, I saw a couple write ups about Childres Women's Council and knew that I wanted to join. I made the first meeting in June and have been a member since. I have just taken over the role of Vice President and will take over President in January. Exciting but scary...

I really wanted to let this organization be not only good for the community but good for the members itself. We decided to hold a Membership Drive and a Women's Appreciation Lunch....We held it tonight... We had about 52 people and I really think that everyone had a pretty good time.....We started off with a First Impression Game. We pinned a piece of paper on their backs...and everyone took around a pen and wrote nice things about that person or their "First Impression" of that person...Then after a while...everyone sat down and took it off and got to read all the nice things someone in the room thought of them... It was really neat...Then we asked all the ladies to get out their purses and had a purse scavenger was fun...we had one person with 23 lipsticks....that was crazy...she did end up winning the prize...I don't even think that I own more that 5 lipsticks...We had a quick little program about what all women's council is about...and we also told them about the new women's council. We know that not everyone can come to our monthly we are starting to have a meeting a couple times a year at night..and make it a fun SOCIAL meeting...and also I will send out emails to let them know what is going on, so they will feel a part of something but don't have to be at every meeting....I think it will work out...
We have counted about 25 new members and alot of people took home their that looks to grow...that is crazy...
I am so excited...I was so nervous that everyone would not come and if they came they would not join....I am glad my prayers are answered...Thanks to everyone that came...and I want to really thank my good friends that came...that really meant alot...


Amy said...

I had a great time! The food was awesome! Thank you for inviting me. I am excited to be involved.

I just reread my comment and it sounds so "short" and "cold". Sorry...I guess I'm not in a very poetic kind of mood!! Love ya!


23? Wow, I know my wife Lea would have at least 2. Now if you'd asked for shoes? She probably has 23 pairs of those in her purse. :)

Fun Family Fitness said...

Thanks for coming Amy. I am glad that you had a great time...

Trey...Lea needs everyone of those shoes...ha ha

Anonymous said...

I'd join just to be around y'all....So add me up and give me the paperwork....Sorry I couldn't come Monday :(

Fun Family Fitness said...

I am so glad....I think it will be fun and a good way to do your good deed....stephanie

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